Ralf Raumanns

Ralf Raumanns is a software engineer and data scientist with nearly 20 years of experience in R&D and medical applications at Philips and Maastricht University. He lectures at Fontys University Venlo and does PhD research at TU/e Eindhoven, and ITU Copenhagen, focusing on deep learning and fairness in medical diagnostics. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Master's degree in Data Science from Maastricht University.


  1. hints_faimi.png
    Ralf Raumanns, Gerard Schouten , Josien PW Pluim , and Veronika Cheplygina
    In Ethics and Fairness in Medical Imaging , 2024
  2. enhance.png
    Ralf Raumanns, Gerard Schouten , Max Joosten , Josien PW Pluim , and Veronika Cheplygina
    MELBA (Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging), 2021
  3. Samaneh Abbasi-Sureshjani , Ralf Raumanns, Britt EJ Michels , Gerard Schouten , and Veronika Cheplygina
    In Interpretable and Annotation-Efficient Learning for Medical Image Computing (MICCAI LABELS) , 2020